Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Buh Bye Braid!

I'm working on a project that has little to do with photography and nothing to do with food, but it's something important to me and I wanted to share. Those of you who know me, may have noticed that my hair has been getting extremely long these days. No, I haven't been too lazy to cut it, or been dared to grow it to Rapunzel-ian lengths. I've been growing my hair so that I can donate it. This is something that I've wanted to do for years, and I'm really excited to be doing it now!

What's even more exciting, is that my plan to donate has turned into a bit of a collaboration. One of my fellow Sparks Photographers, Kerry Shaw, and I were talking one afternoon when she just happened to mentioned that she's obsessed with photographing hair. I told her I was chopping mine and that she was welcome to shoot it before it went. We got talking, and decided that it would be fun to shoot a before and after and have a go at raising some money while we're at it. I've chosen to donate my hair to Angel Hair for Kids. The Angel Hair Foundation helps financially disadvantaged children, in Canada, who have lost their hair due to medical conditions and treatments. They create wigs and provide them at no cost to the child's family. Each wig costs about $1000 to create, and being a not-for-profit organization they rely exclusively on donations.

On May 8th, 2012, I will be putting my hair in the hands of the lovely and talented Ana Sorys, and my face in front of Kerry's lens. Until then, we will be raising funds to help turn donated hair into wigs. We're hoping to raise enough money for three wigs, so please spread the word. We only have a month to hit our goal.

If you're interested in making a donation, go to my giving page and help me to say buh bye to my braid in style!

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